
The stormwater system map as of 2012 and a zip file of several relevant GIS layers can be found here including:

  • City Limits
  • Urban Growth Boundary
  • Local Wetland Inventory (1997)
  • Draft FIRM from 2014. Note: Changes could exist between this data and the current effective data outside of the seclusion area since that DFIRM database went through its own due process and could include changes due to later comments or appeals.  Please use this data as a useful indication of the risk internal to the seclusion area only.
  • City Zoning
  • Anonymized tax lots (all of the ownership is public through the tax assessor, but I’m still not a big fan of throwing it around directly)
  • Sanitary sewer system
  • The Urban Renewal Area

Some additional data source recommendations:

Watch the teams kickoff meeting for more information.