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2025 Poster Presentation GuidelinesAccessibility | Dimensions | Location & Schedule | Format | Virtual Posters Poster sessions are an essential component of CERF conferences and provide participants with a valuable opportunity to share their research, communicate about scientific advancements and network with colleagues. To maximize accessibility and impact of CERF 2025, all presentations will be available on-demand in an online library for six months after the conference. This will allow virtual attendees and anyone who missed a specific presentation to view it after the conference. Please note that for in-person poster presenters, you must upload your poster file to the virtual library in addition to displaying your poster at the conference. You also have the option to record an overview video to go with your virtual poster. AccessibilityWe encourage all presenters to consider making your presentations accessible to all in the audience. Small changes can greatly improve the accessibility and thus, the impact, of your presentation. This website provides some great tips and links to additional resources. DimensionsEach poster will be displayed on 8-foot (2.44-meters) wide by 4-foot (1.22-meters) high boards with a 2-inch (5-centimeter) metal frame around the perimeter. Poster dimensions can be whatever the presenter sees best, but should not exceed 91-inches (2.31-meters) wide by 45-inches (1.14-meters) in height to fit within those dimensions. Mounting materials will be provided. Location & ScheduleMounting materials and a map will be provided at the Poster Information Booth inside the Hall. There is no electricity available at individual poster stations. If you intend to use a tablet, laptop or other electronic devices during your presentation, please be sure the batteries are fully charged before your presentation time. More information coming soon! FormatPresenters can choose the scientific poster format they think best communicates their science to scientists with different levels of interest and expertise. The CERF 2025 Scientific Program Committee proposes poster presenters consider alternate designs such as: Mike Morrison's design (@mikemorrison) - see tutorial video; Derek Crowe's "butter poster" - see example; or Caroline O'Donnell's innovative "spinning poster" - see example. Please note that using these formats is not mandatory. Submissions Process for Virtual PostersYou should have received a link to the upload site via email. Please upload your poster as a PDF or JPG file. You also have the option to record a short (3-minute) overview video of your presentation. You can record this video either record directly on the platform, or self-record and upload your video. Instructions on how to upload your self-recorded talk can be found here. Instructions on how to record your talk in the system can be found here. Here are some tips and tricks, suggestions for editing closed captioning and other ways to make your presentation more accessible.