Introduction to R Workshop

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM | Sunday, 9 November | Room E10-B

$100 Regular Price | $70 Student Price

This workshop will provide attendees with a gentle introduction to the R Statistical Programming Language for basic data exploration and analysis. No prior experience is needed. The workshop content will include a mix of instructor led demonstrations and hands-on exercises designed to reinforce core principles of the programming language. Additional emphasis will be placed on using RStudio as the preferred platform for working with data in a project-based environment. By the end of the workshop, attendees will have the necessary foundation for continued learning to further build R skills.


Dr. Marcus Beck

Dr. Marcus Beck is the Senior Scientist for the Tampa Bay Estuary Program in St. Petersburg, Florida and is developing data analysis and visualization methods for Bay health indicators. Marcus has experience researching environmental indicators and developing open science products to support environmental decision-making. He has been using the R statistical programming language for over 15 years and has taught several workshops on its application to environmental sciences. Marcus has also developed several R packages and currently maintains 7 on CRAN. He received a PhD in Conservation Biology with a minor in Statistics from the University of Minnesota in 2013, his Masters in Conservation Biology from the University of Minnesota in 2009, and his Bachelors in Zoology from the University of Florida in 2007.