Towards a Nationwide Classification System that Estimates Estuarine Acidification Vulnerability Workshop

9:00 AM – 5:00 PM ET | Sunday 9 November | Room E21-B

$100 Regular Price | $70 Student Price

The Interagency Working Group on Ocean Acidification’s (IWG-OA’s) Estuaries Working Group invites participants to help design a nationwide classification system concerning the vulnerability of US estuaries to acidification. The IWG-OA seeks to create this system to enable better collective federal decision making about investments relative to estuarine acidification research and solutions. Participants will discuss needs of communities regarding estuarine acidification; available and needed information; and ways that federal agencies can address communities’ needs in timely, responsive ways. This will enable IWG-OA member agencies to plan and coordinate investments around estuarine acidification more effectively and more aligned with on-the-ground needs. 


Sarah Cooley 

Elizabeth Perotti