CERF 2025 Call for Abstracts
Opens: Monday, 17 March 2025 Deadline to Submit: Monday, 28 April 2025
Abstract acceptances will be sent on or about 1 August 2025.
The Scientific Program Committee (SPC) for the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation’s 28th Biennial Conference (CERF 2025) invites you to submit an abstract for an oral or poster presentation in one of the range of sessions that examines new findings across CERF’s scientific, management, and educational areas of focus.
The theme for the CERF 2025 Conference is “Estuaries: Tradition and Transition” to encompass the history of estuarine research while understanding emerging challenges and future opportunities. Our planned program draws on the deep heritage of estuarine science in the Chesapeake Bay region, where we started and where CERF 2025 will be held, while also embracing how estuarine and coastal research, management, and education are world-wide and of more importance than ever.
Registration for CERF 2025 is opening soon.
One Presentation Policy and Special Topic Sessions
To ensure conference sessions contain contributions from as many people as possible, the Federation has a one-presentation-per-person policy. Specifically, each participant can be the lead author or presenter on only one poster OR oral presentation. You may be a co-author on other presentations. There is an exception for a second abstract submitted to an education; traditional or local ecological knowledge; or diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and accessibility (DEIJA) session. If you intend to submit a second abstract in any of these categories, please submit your other abstract first. You will receive a confirmation email providing instructions on submitting an additional abstract, and the fee for this second abstract will be waived.
Sessions eligible for second abstract The sessions that fall under the eligibility for a second abstract include education sessions that highlight the role that many attendees play as educators at all levels, including K-12, university, and informal science education; sessions that highlight cultural stewardship and human dimensions of coastal ecosystems and communities, including working with Indigenous communities and incorporating traditional and local ecological knowledge; and sessions that highlight projects and programs that build on or leverage inclusive culture practices or showcase the multifaceted relevance of incorporating DEIJA into science and management.
Natural history of coastal Delmarva Peninsula: integrating research and monitoring
New developments in coastal blue carbon science for management
Marshes for Maine's future: the ways restoration should be
Moving restoration science forward through interagency coordination, co-production, and cooperation
Habitat restoration on islands: unique challenges and opportunities.
The next wave: NOAA scholars advancing innovative coastal science
Restoring fish habitat with traditional and local ecological knowledge
Resilient estuaries and communities: bridging knowledge systems and co-designing solutions
Mud, macrofauna and microbes: an ode to benthos VI
Stories from the braided river II
Policies and Procedures for Submitting Abstracts
The abstract submission deadline is 28 April 2025 at 11:59 PM EDT.
Please review the following guidelines before submitting your abstract. If the guidelines are not followed, your abstract may not be accepted.
SESSION: Choose your first and second choice of sessions that best align with the subject of your abstract. In addition to the submitted sessions, there are general sessions on broad estuarine science and management topics; these sessions begin with the words "General session." If your abstract does not fit within any of these topics, please select "General session - other,” and we will work to find or create a suitable session for your work.
TITLE: The title has a limit of 15 words. The title should be entered in sentence case (i.e., only the first word and proper nouns are capitalized).
PREFERRED PRESENTATION TYPES: Descriptions of each format are provided below: traditional oral is 15 minutes (12 minute talk, 3 minutes for questions), and lightning is 7 minutes (5-minute talk, 2 minutes for questions). Abstracts not selected for the preferred format will be considered for other formats. Select one:
Traditional oral preferred, lightning or poster are acceptable
Lightning preferred, traditional oral or poster are acceptable
Traditional oral preferred, poster is acceptable (no lightning)
Lightning preferred, poster is acceptable (no traditional oral)
Poster only
- STUDENT PRESENTATION AWARDS: If you are a student, you can choose to have your presentation judged for the Student Presentation Awards. If so, please designate if you are a K12, undergraduate, or graduate student. Recent graduates (i.e., within one year of graduation and without a permanent job) are eligible for awards.
- RELEASE OF ABSTRACT: You must agree to the publication of your abstract in conference-related materials where it will be publicly available.
- AUTHOR INFORMATION: Enter authors in the order they should appear in the abstract. Provide institutional affiliations and contact information. There is a 12-author limit per abstract.
- KEYWORDS: Select up to five keywords from the drop-down menu.
- ABSTRACT: All abstracts must be in English, and the use of metric units is strongly encouraged. There is a limit of 300 words for the text of your abstract.
- ABSTRACT FEE: Abstracts will not be accepted into the scientific program without payment. The CERF 2025 fee is $75 USD. Secure online payment is available at the end of the submission process. Please note that abstract fees are non-refundable. If the abstract fee presents a financial barrier to submitting an abstract, please contact Susan Park at [email protected] to inquire about a waiver.
Presentation Formats
There are three presentation formats:
Traditional oral: Each presentation will be assigned a total of 15 minutes encompassing a 12-minute talk and a 3-minute discussion period. Given the number of abstracts the SPC expects to be submitted, some participants who request an oral presentation may be assigned a poster or lightning talk; please consider selecting these options during your abstract submission process.
Lightning: Lightning talks are 5-minute presentations requiring the presenter to focus on the essence of what they want to communicate (see the Presenter Resource Page for additional guidance). To keep with the timing of other sessions, two lightning talks will occur within a 15-minute time block, with 2 minutes for questions following each lightning talk.
Poster presentations: Posters will be displayed in the exhibit hall, with poster sessions on Monday and Wednesday from 4:30 pm to 7 pm to allow plenty of time for interaction. Poster presenters are expected to attend their assigned poster session to meet with attendees and discuss their posters.
Oral sessions may consist of all traditional oral presentations, all lightning presentations, or a mix. The SPC reserves the right to assign abstracts to either poster or oral sessions. The assignment to a traditional oral or lightning presentation will occur only if the applicant indicates their willingness on the abstract submission form. Your understanding and cooperation are greatly appreciated.
Presenter Confirmation/Cancellation Policy
The presenting author of accepted abstracts must confirm their participation and register for the conference by 5 September 2025. For details, please see the Conference Presenter Cancellation Policy. Thank you in advance for your submission.
Technical questions or concerns about your submission should be directed to Tricia Fry at [email protected]. Questions or concerns related to the scientific program should be directed to the Scientific Program Committee chairs, Pedro Morais and Marcus Beck, at [email protected].
Important Dates/Deadlines
Call for Abstracts Opens
17 March 2025
Call for Abstracts Closes
28 April 2025
Abstract Notifications
1 August 2023