CERF 2021 Sessions

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Monday, 1 Nov. 2021

 Mon. 1 Nov | Tues. 2 Nov. | Wed. 3 Nov. | Thurs. 4 Nov. 
Mon. 8 Nov. | Tues. 9 Nov. | Wed. 10 Nov. | Thurs. 11 Nov.
Time Sessions

1:00 PM – 2:30 PM ET
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM PT



Agency perspectives on research to support science-based regulatory decisions

Coastal Restoration: Challenges, Successes and Innovation

Dynamics of temperature variability across coastal and estuarine habitats

Ecology, stressors, and management of low inflow estuaries

Geomorphology of Coastal Systems

Managing coastal and estuarine wetlands around the globe

Organismal Biology and Ecology

Physiological-Ecology in the Anthropocene Revisited: Linking the Laboratory and Field

Shifting Baselines and Paradigms in Arctic Coastal Science

Wonderous Women of the coasts – bridging time, space, and disciplines